At this point, you will be known as a Peace Corps Trainee (PCT).
You will begin with your whole group, but are then usually split up in small groups to different towns or villages near the Peace Corps office. During training, you will live with a host family. Your days will consist of several hours of verbal communication training. Other training will depend on the day, but often include, technical, cultural, safety, or health. There will be convinced days that the group beca splash as a whole comes together to the Peace Corps office for certain training topics. There will be a few times you are taken "site" seeing--in part to understand your country.
You'll have 2-3 language tests to evaluate your level to help you
for that reason. At one point, trainees will often visit a current volunteer at his or her site for several days to a week in order to gain perspective on just what site life could consist of. Near the end of training, trainees will be interviewed about site sopyfa preferences they may have, and be assigned their future site. Usually, trainees will depart for several days or up to a week to make a "future site visit" in which they will meet their counterparts, population, and secure housing if not yet found.
After future site visits, there is just a couple weeks left of training.
How long is training?
Training typically lasts for 2-3 months.
How do I get to training?
After long-suffering your invitation, you will be sent a "dramatization kit" which provides information about your disappearance. You should call SATO Travel, the Peace Corps travel company, immediately to make travel arrangements. The Peace Corps provides your flight, but you yourself must make the actual provision through SATO. After staging, your group will depart together to fly to your Peace Corps country.
Where is training?
The location of your stage depends on which country you go to. Quite often, training is not in the capitol city or in other large cities. Instead, its typically held in a small or medium size town, relatively near a larger city.
Where do we stay for the period of training?
In some countries, you may spend a few days to a week at a hotel or "dorm" type accommodations at the Peace Corps office.
After that, you will meet your host family you'll live with during training, and move in with them. Other countries, you go directly to your host family's home that you'll live with during groundwork.
What if I don't get along with my host family?
The Peace Corps interviews each family, as well as looks at their living circumstances, in order to find the best achievable host families for the trainee.
Minor differences should be over-looked; after all, you are new in this country, ethnicity, and family. Things you may find annoying could be the family simply trying to make you feel welcome, or take care of you like they would a family member. There are times that things may become uncomfortable (i.e. belief or vegetarianism could be those). If it is something small, you should address the situation as clearly, yet politely as possible so as to avoid future misunderstandings. After being used to living on your own, you will most in all probability feel like a child again--you may not like it, but in this location, it'll be normal.
However, if it is whatever thing more than small, ask the Peace Corps staff before doing anything. If it is really a bad location or you and the family do not get along, let the Peace Corps staff know--they will be the ones who know how to help you.
What happens after training?
When training is completed, the training group will swear in legitimately as Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV). Your group will go your poles apart ways and depart to your permanent site coursework you previously found out about. Sometimes Peace Corps staff may accompany you; sometimes you may be on your own or with another unpaid supporter. You may or may not have a volunteer at your site, and it’s possible that if there is another volunteer, it could be a foreigner! The next step is to get to know you’re the public and understand your work, then dive on in!
NEW DELHI - The imminent exit of IT giant Google from China, which has alleged the Chinese Government of hacking personal data of its clients and for enforcing censorship, could prove to be a boon for India.
India remains a preferred destination for the IT bigwigs and provides much more independence, incentives and privacy to the business to flourish.
Refusing to directly comment on Google's exit from China, Minister of State for Information Technology Sachin Pilot, said: "India is a country that has a very free, fair and transparent way of functioning. We are proud to have one of the most open-minded media. There is no censorship of any sort at all. I think everyone is free to add their views."
Pilot pointed: "In this country (there is) a sense of stability, our judiciary is very transparent in functioning. I think all these factors add up, not just large IT companies like Google, Microsoft and Internet-based companies, but a lot of corporations look at it when they have a long term view of a country."
India's phenomenal growth in the IT sector can also be gauged from the fact that last year alone India exported IT services worth 50 billion dollars and the sector has grown at the rate of more than 15 percent, despite economic slowdown.
Now, IT experts believe that with companies leaving China on ethical grounds, Indian IT industry is bound to grow.
As far as censorship is concerned, Pilot emphasized that India has a very strict cyber law, which ensures and respects the independence of the companies.
"The Indian government in businesstomarks last 15-years (has) only banned 20-22 websites in all and that also has been done only when there are certain contents or websites that really harm our national interests, our sovereignty or are bound to cause some public disorder," Pilot said.
"Only in the rare of the rarest case would the government decide to shutdown or censor a particular website, it is very far and few. We have a policy that is very fair, we have policy forbearance. We don't interfere in what the netizens do, or what a company want to say. It is a very free open society and we are very proud of that," he added.
India has recently amended it cyber laws and to ensure the safety of its cyberspace has an agency called CERT 24/7, which protects cyberspace from attacks and cyber terrorism and take effective steps in case attacks take place.
Another major advantage, which India has over China, is the young English speaking workforce therefore Indian IT sector and the government are keeping a close tab on the developments in China as it can directly benefit them. By Naveen Kapoor

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